Senin, 30 November 2009

Trik Mengoptimalkan Keyword Niche Dalam Konten

Tulisan ini adalah lanjutan dari posting sebelumnya: Memasukkan Keyword Niche Dalam Konten.

Anda masih ingat kan, jumlah ideal keyword niche yang harus disisipkan ke dalam konten agar konten kita optimal? (optimal untuk ditampilkan Google dan search engine lainnya di hasil pencarian mereka). Kalo udah lupa, baca lagi artikel ini ya!

Nah, masalahnya gimana cara menyisipkan hingga 3% keyword niche ke dalam suatu konten tanpa kentara kalimatnya diulang-ulang? Aku menemukan sebuah trik yang lumayan membantu. Paling tidak, bisa menambah 2-3 jumlah keyword niche tanpa terkesan dipaksakan. Triknya? Bikin sub judul.

Begini, kita comot lagi contoh artikel yang pernah aku bahas di posting yang lalu ya. Ini dia contohnya:

Colon hydrotherapy or also known as colonic irrigation or colonic, is a process of injecting water, or sometimes mixed with herbs, into your colon using special equipment. Colon hydrotherapy could only be done by a doctor or practitioners in hospitals, spa or clinics.

Colon is the last portion of human’s digestive system. Colon’s job is to compact the chime, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins that are produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. When it is clogged by wastes, the poisons within your body will pollute your inner environment, which in result can cause many health problems. Colon hydrotherapy is one way to flush all the toxins from your body.

What Happen During Colon Hydrotherapy?

The colon hydrotherapy usually takes 30-50 minutes to perform. You will be given a hospital gown, and the therapist will ask you to lay down on a table. An equipment will inject warm purified water into your colon. The water will cause the muscles lining the colon to contract and expand, forcing out fecal matter which may include bacteria and undigested food, through an evacuation tube into the machine.

This procedure should not cause any pain, however IBS sufferers who are very sensitive to gut contraction might feel uncomfortable or even painful during colon hydrotherapy.

Although colon hydrotherapy procedure is subjected to remove waste products from your body, there are still chances that good products in the body, such as vitamins, mineral and good bacteria will also removed during the process. Therefore, taking supplements and probiotics are recommended after having colon hydrotherapy.
Please note that colon hydrotherapy is not suitable for people suffering from many inflammatory diseases such as Crohns disease, Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis or Haemorrhoids. It is also dangerous to take it when you are pregnant, having congestive heart failure, carcinoma of the rectum or general debilitation.

Judul artikel di atas adalah “Colon Hydrotherapy”. Nah, yang namanya sub judul adalah “What Happen During Colon Hydrotherapy?”. Kenapa pake sub judul bisa menambah jumlah keyword niche? Karena dalam sub judul itu, keyword niche sudah masuk. Dan setelah itu, kita bisa memasukkan lagi keyword niche itu dalam uraiannya. Secara keseluruhan ga akan tampak sebagai pengulangan karena orang tidak akan membaca sub judul dan uraiannya secara langsung berurutan.

Lihat kan, dalam contoh artikel itu (font warna merah), keyword niche ‘colon hydrotherapy’ langsung muncul di kalimat pertama uraian, padahal dia juga udah muncul di sub judul. Terasa dipaksakan ga? (Kalo nurut aku sih kagak!). Di contoh itu sub judulnya hanya ada 1, tapi anda bisa kok membuat beberapa sub judul dalam sebuah konten. Misalnya anda memilih tema tentang jogging, anda bisa menambahkan: Benefits of Jogging, The Best Time For Jogging, How To Choose Jogging Shoes, dll.

Dengan kreatifitas anda, pasti akan tercipta sebuah konten yang optimal sekaligus enak dibaca dan informatif. Selamat mencoba deh!

Dan sampai jumpa di tips-tips berikutnya….

2 komentar:

Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra mengatakan...

Saya akan mencobanya mbak..
makasih banyak atas tipsnya.

sibaho way mengatakan...

panteng terus ah... :) thanks mbak fanda :D

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